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Global Learning Courses



HFT 3701: Sustainable Tourism Practices - Sustainability in the

global tourism industry is examined through certifying

organizations, destinations, and international stakeholders.

Global impacts and indicators are discussed.



HFT 3713: International Travel and Tourism - Study of

the global tourism industry, organizations, tourist

behavior, history and globalization. Economic, socio-

cultural and environmental impacts on destinations

and culture are examined.


HFT 3603: Hospitality Law - Introductory course in

hotel/restaurant law with an emphasis on risk manage-

ment and security. The student is introduced to the laws,

rules and regulations applicable to the hospitality

industry worldwide.



HFT 4323: Hospitality Facilities Environmental Systems - A comprehensive survey

of engineering, maintenance, and efficiency controls in hotels, restaurants. Emphasizes the importance of Operations Facilities Engineering Management and the environment.

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